Devoted Blog

Day 25 – Devoted Daily Devotional

February 25, 2019

DAY 25
Devotional by Leah Holser

Let me be clear, the Anointed One has set us free—not partially, but completely and wonderfully free! We must always cherish this truth and stubbornly refuse to go back into the bondage of our past.
Galatians 5:1 TPT

I have been set free! There is no question, no need for petition, protest, nothing left to consider or do other than accept my freedom. Accept my freedom! As I read this verse, I understand that freedom isn’t something that I must choose, it is rather something I accept or deny. This wonderful gift graciously given to me by a wonderful savior who carries all authority. It is given by love, and only by understanding God’s perfect love for me am I able to receive the freedom He has given me. This freedom is not partial, but whole and complete, because His love for me is whole and complete.

Freedom means choices. Lots and lots of choices. Love mean choices. Lots and lots of choices.

Fear creeps in when I begin to fear making a wrong choice. Freedom was not given to me so that I would fear going back into bondage. Love opens the door for me to walk in love, to push myself to do new things, the freedom to be courageous and creative. To walk into the world carrying the faith that brings light to those in darkness.

1 John 4:18 teaches us that perfect love casts out all fear. As I accept His perfect love and rest in His perfect love, it begins to become so much easier to accept that I am free. In His perfect love, fear no longer has room to cast a shadow. There is a boldness in knowing I cannot be held captive.

As it grows nearer and neared to our Devoted conference, I get so excited. I love seeing women step out together, in freedom and love, celebrating this life we get to live together. Every single one of our stories are different, but the author and creator is the same. As we come together our uniqueness shines, and our beauty is revealed. As His love shines in us, we together, become His bride. The one He loves. Together our boldness, our creativity, our intelligence, our compassion, our wisdom becomes multidimensional and His love for us shines so brightly it paves the way for His love and freedom to be accepted by so many more of His children.



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