Water Baptisms

Water baptism is an outward display and celebration of your inward decision to trust Christ with your eternity!

When you step into the water, you are letting the world know that you have walked into a new life of faith in Jesus Christ and that you are committing to follow him down a new path.



SEPTEMBER 25, 2022


water Baptisms are happening

October 27, 2024 

at our GLEN ALLEN Campus

During our 10 am service


Simply put, water baptism is an act of obedience, a step of acknowledgement that is representative of the fact that Jesus died on the cross, was buried and walked out of the grave, alive, so each of us could have eternal life.

You can sign up today to get water baptized!


Baptism is an outward expression of an inward decision. It’s the physical expression of what has happened spiritually in your heart. It was a very private moment when you gave your heart to Jesus, just between God and you. Baptism is letting the world know of that decision to follow Him.

Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist before He started His ministry. Jesus also commanded His disciples to “make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.”  – Matthew 28:19 NLT 

From Jesus’ example and His commandment to His disciples, we believe the next step after saying “yes” to Jesus is to be baptized.

Baptisms at Wave Church are full immersion, meaning all of you goes under the water. We don’t get into the theological debate of sprinkling vs immersion. We just believe in full immersion because of what Jesus has done for us, to show the transforming, amazing power which is salvation.

Yes, your head will be completely submerged.

You may or may not “feel” different, but we do believe that when you go down into the waters, your old sinful nature is buried, and you are raised up in newness of life as you come up out of the waters. We are hoping that you sense a fresh start and new beginning after being baptized.

We will give you a shirt and towel the day you’re baptized. When you sign up to be baptized, we will ask for your t-shirt size. The bottoms you wear are up to you. Guys usually wear dark colored swimming trunks, and girls will wear either dark colored capris or leggings. Don’t forget to bring a change of clothes to change into after you are baptized…or you’ll be going home wet.

After you sign up to be baptized, someone from our baptism team will reach out to you with instructions on where to meet, when to arrive, and answer any additional questions you might have.

Absolutely! Please invite your family and friends to come celebrate this special moment with you!

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