Baby Dedications

We follow the Biblical pattern of dedicating children to the Lord. Jesus Himself was dedicated in the temple by his parents, establishing dedication as a New Testament principle (Luke 2:22). We dedicate children on the second Sunday of every month following the service with a reception afterwards. This is a great time of celebration and […]

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Tanzania Mission Trip

This summer we are partnering with Convoy of Hope's Africa Waits initiative in Tanzania. We will be working along side Convoy's team on the ground working in sustainable food projects. The trip will go from July 14th - July 25th 2025.

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Royal Youth Summer Camp

Summer Camp is one of the major highlights of the year for us here at Royal Youth and in any young person’s life! It is an incredible experience where we go away for a few days and truly encounter the presence of God and build relationships with others that will last a lifetime.

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