Devoted Blog


July 19, 2017

Blog by Megan Harrell

When I was one my biological mother was murdered – along with my sister in our home and I was set on the neighbor’s doorstep…

We tend to use the word “hope” in a nonchalant way…

I hope I get a pay raise,

I hope my child does well in school,

I hope those shoes go on sale

I hope this make-up foundation isn’t lying when it says “full coverage”

When hope is used this way it is more of “it could happen, but maybe not” kind of way. The biblical example of hope is different…

Exodus 2 tells the story of a woman who could no longer hide her baby boy and if he was discovered by pharaoh’s army, he would be put to death. She knew God had a plan for him, so in order to save his life she placed him in a basket and set it in some grass in the Nile River. When she placed her baby in the basket, she also placed her hope in God. The baby’s life was spared and he was given the name Moses. The name Moses means “pulled out”. Myself, like Moses was pulled out of a life or death situation…

My life was spared… but as you could imagine, a baby without a mother is just tough. My dad is amazing and he did an incredible job. He took care of me and began to make changes in our lives. One of those changes was we began going to church. Also, he met a woman and they began dating and later got married. She adopted me and my life was forever changed! I got a MOM! She is wonderful, I mean just a few weeks ago she came and took care of ALL 3 of her grandkids so my hubby and I could go on a mission’s trip together.

My life may have looked bleak when I was one, but there was hope! The God kind of hope… The hope that says, “I know it can happen”, not “maybe it will”. Where in your life do you need hope? It’s available to you!

Exodus 14:14 says, “The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.”

God knows what you are going through and He knows exactly what you need!

Zephaniah 3:17 says, “Your God is present among you, a strong warrior there to save you.”

He is present! Right now… no matter what you are facing or how alone you may feel. He is with you. Trust me, if He has done it for me, He can do it for you!

So whatever you are going through, or challenges you are facing, put your HOPE in God because He will fight for you!

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