Devoted Blog

Stay the Path on Mission

May 17, 2017

Blog by Sandy Hopkins

When I was taking my driving test at the DMV to get my US Driver’s License, the driving instructor told me she had heard about me – an Australian Missionary arriving at Wave Church. I’ve never thought of myself that way – in my thinking as Christians we are on mission every day, everywhere we go.

The dictionary definition of missionary is…

  1. A person sent by a church into an area to carry on evangelism or other activities, as educational or hospital work.
  2. A person strongly in favor of a program, set of principles, etc., who attempts to persuade or convert others.
  3. A person who is sent on a mission.

Matt 28:18-19 NIV
“Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,”

The Great Commission in the book of Matthew tells us to go and make disciples – is that why we still often think we need to go overseas on a “Missions Trip” to evangelize? Historically it was necessary to “go” because there were so many unreached people, but what does it mean to “go” in this day and age?

I often “go” to the store, “go” on vacation, “go” pick up my son at the bus stop, “go” to work, “go” visit my family, “go” to a seminar, “go” for a walk, go to a ball game etc. Isn’t this what “go” means? Aren’t I on mission when I’m going about my everyday life? Aren’t I meant to be inviting people to church and telling them about Jesus when I’m out doing life?

Rom 12:1a MSG
So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering.

I must admit that since I have lived in America I am given many more organic opportunities to invite people to church than I ever have before in my life. That’s because the moment I speak, anyone around me can hear that I have an accent. And it’s not just any accent – it’s an accent they like and they feel the need to stop me and ask where I’m from. The very next question is “what brought you here to America”? Which can turn quickly into an invitation to church if I am organized and keep church promo cards in my purse. This still means I need to be intentional, but honestly I find asking people to church much easier these days.

But here’s the deal – am I inviting people to church instead of talking to them about Jesus? BOOM – tough question! It’s OK to ask people to church – in fact it’s good, but are there also people that God has specifically put in my world for me to help bring them to a knowledge of Jesus? Or to help someone walk through a tough season so they can see God’s faithfulness?

A few weeks ago at Sunday night church we had Holy Spirit night where we prayed for different groups of people. One of the groups of people we prayed for were people suffering with anxiety. One beautiful young teenager came forward for prayer. She was anxious – in fact she was sobbing. The reason – she couldn’t cope with her friend at school not knowing Jesus. Do I feel like that for my unsaved family or friends?

I honestly don’t know how people live without Jesus. May God help us to walk around with our spiritual eyes and ears open so that we can indeed live our lives on mission for Him!

Oh God – I hear you. Thank you that you’re speaking to me – the me that to whom much has been given, much is also required. Please help me to be brave and have your heart for those that are lost. I know you haven’t stopped loving them – please help me to go through life with my eyes and ears open to what you want me to do. I choose to live my life on mission for you! Thank you for using me. AMEN

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