Blog by A Christian Mom
Our youngest son prefers our bed over his. He has an amazing bedroom and everything he could want or need, but thinks it’s “grossly unfair” that I get to share a bed with Daddy & he has to sleep alone.
I am currently positioned on a chair in the hall outside my sons bedroom waiting for him to fall asleep because he “can’t possibly go to sleep without someone in the room with him” and is most put out that we leave his room once he is asleep!
My husband and I mostly take turns at doing this and understand that this is just a season (albeit a long one since our son is now 10). Needless to say whoever ends up putting him to sleep always takes the iPad or iPhone up with them to keep themselves amused for the 30-60minute timeframe it takes for him to fall asleep.
Tonight was my turn and as I sat playing iPhone games to while the time away my mind began to go through the events of the day. Today was Sunday and for our family, Sunday’s are all about church and one of our favorite days of the week (which is probably good given we are both pastors)! Tonight we had the privilege of seeing people respond to Jesus, we watched as dozens of believers were baptized, got to pray for a beautiful woman’s healing, and had lunch with an awesome visiting family and their 4 adopted children. How blessed are we!!!!
I heard a wise man once speak of the secret to his success – he said it was his ‘thinking chair’. In his thinking chair he would read his Bible, he’d pray, he’d think about what he had read and about what God wanted to say to him. He’d also think about issues and situations in his life, spend time praying about them and think if options or potential resolutions for different circumstances. His ‘thinking chair’ was not time spent wasted – it was time invested.
As I sat reflecting on the blessing of being invited into the lives of so many amazing people, I began to pray for the situations people were going through. I prayed for the family who’s son was in rehab, for the couple facing cancer, for the friends we have in another state trying to have a baby, for the friend who’s birthday it is and for the little boy trying to be brave by sleeping in his own bed.
Whatever the circumstances of our lives – our God is interested. Big or small, if it matters to us, it matters to Him! If only we’d remember to pray.
How much more effective and full of faith I would be if I spent every “sleep watch” like I did tonight – by using my chair as a ‘thinking chair’. By utilizing the time I have on hand to pray for people and situations. To lay my petitions before God. To speak the Word of God over circumstances people find themselves in and declare “no weapon formed against them will prosper” and speak breakthrough into the lives of precious people.
Please God help me to be a woman who walks in the power of your Holy Spirit daily. Help me to be a Godly woman who trusts you AND whom You trust. I can’t believe You choose to use me – You know me inside out, and yet You still choose to use me! I can’t believe I get to do this and live this amazing adventure called life – thank You! AMEN