Devoted Blog

Wave Conference Devotional – Day 17

July 17, 2019

DAY 17
Devotional by Jenny Rowan

Breakthrough is my word for this year. The dictionary defines breakthrough – as a sudden, dramatic, and important discovery or development.

You know how you buy a car and then all of a sudden you see that same car everywhere you look. That’s what it has been like for me with my word for the year. See my husband Mark follows this prophetic guy on social media that recently released a new book titled “Breakthrough.” Then that movie came out over Easter based on the inspirational true story of a mother’s love and faith in the face of impossible odds. The name of that movie – Breakthrough. Every message or new blog post I read I keep hearing the word Breakthrough. All little reminders that encourage me that this is going to be a breakthrough year!

Even my kids have had little breakthrough moments. Let’s start with the youngest two. Josiah and Addie – Josiah is 10 and Addie is 7 almost 8. And they had to walk home by themselves one day after school. My Dad had told them they needed to make sure that no one was following them. Well, Josiah took this literally and he told Addie that she had to do exactly what he did. So when they got off the bus, they took a couple steps then turned around and yelled “hi-yaah!!” while putting their hands up as if they were going to karate chop someone. They then walked just a of couple steps more and did that all over again. They did this the whole way home. When they got home they called me and said that it took them a reeeally long time to get home. I was confused as I knew it shouldn’t take that long. They then told me what they did. I told them while it’s good to be aware of your surroundings that they could be confident in walking home without having to yell “hi-yaah!!” every couple of steps. The next day they did that and when they called Addie said “Wow! We got home waaay faster.”

That’s a simple story yet it’s profound because so many times in life I have found myself living in fear. Maybe even blaming the enemy around every corner. Looking and focusing on the negative. I found myself not walking in confidence. However, I know that I am safe and that God wants me to walk in faith and not fear so that I will get to my destination way faster. See, this was a breakthrough moment in overcoming fear with faith & confidence.

Then there is Cassia our 12 year old. She has been inviting friends all year to come to our churches youth group and kept getting no’s left and right. She recently made a new friend at school and they started hanging out a lot more. She invited her to her our youth groups community group night – and she came. Then she came the next Wednesday and the one after and she gave her life to Jesus! Cassia’s breakthrough moment was realizing she should never stop asking and to keep on reaching out because it just might save someone’s life.

Now Elena Kay our oldest is 14. When she was 7 years old, she had a dream. In her dream she was painting a picture of Jesus. He then came to life and took her to heaven and He showed her heaven. My husband and I believe that God wants her to use her art to make Jesus alive to others. Fast forward to today. She has continued pursuing art and has wanted to apply for the art academy for High School. For her entry art piece on audition day she was given a piece of paper with a few lines and dots on it, pencils and colored pencils. She then was given one hour to create something. When she came out of the room I asked her what she drew. She told me that she drew a girl in black and white with colorful tears. Then words coming at her like “you can’t do it,” “you are no good,” & “you are not enough.” Then she drew a fish (symbolizing Jesus) that was catching the tears and blocking the words. This was her breakthrough moment in making Jesus come alive through her artwork.

Our whole family have had different times where we have seen breakthrough. And there are areas where we might need breakthrough right now!

Psalm 147:5 MSG says “Our Lord is great, with limitless strength; we’ll never comprehend what He knows and does.”

Isaiah 41:10 NIV says “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

James 4:8a NIV “Come near to God and He will come near to you.”

I declare that this is going to be a breakthrough year for you, your family, your Church. I’m believing you’ll have breakthrough in miracles, for salvation, for growth, for taking ground, for favor, for financial increase, for health. I’m praying you and I will be Limitless in breakthrough possibilities!!



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