Parenting Blog by Ps Sharon Kelly
It Started with a Kiss
That moment you met your baby for the first time and your lips touch their forehead. And in an instant your heart explodes.
No matter how long, painful or complicated your labor was, one thing is for sure……you love this little person in a way you never thought possible. Instinctively you become a momma bear knowing you would die for that child. Or that’s how you feel. The feelings you have are so intense they are indescribable until you experience it.
Psalm 127:3 NLT
Children are a gift from the Lord;
they are a reward from him.
I want to remind you of a few things in the season you are in…
- Don’t compare yourself or your children
You are the best momma for your kids. We can learn so much from others but don’t put yourself in a place where you start criticizing and critiquing yourself.
-So they’re not the top of the class, it’s ok!
– Concentrate on their strengths
– Find what they love and cheer them on
– Treat them as individuals
2 Corinthians 10:12 NIV
We do not dare to classify or compare ourselves with some who commend themselves. When they measure themselves by themselves and compare themselves with themselves, they are not wise.
- Find out what they love & cheer them on
-What are their strengths? We all have them!
– Be their biggest cheerleader!
– Be the parent you needed when you were a child
- You will be better because of the challenges
James 1:2-5 NIV
Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. – None of us want any parenting challenges, but being challenged & stretched is the very thing that makes us better!
– Kindness rules, no matter what the situation
Proverbs 31:26 NLT
When she speaks, her words are wise,
and she gives instructions with kindness.
4. Have the courage to let go
– There are always women who have been on the journey longer than you. Don’t be afraid to put up your hand & ask for advice from women you admire, who have done the journey well.
– Your child/children will go through many stages in life. As they get older, don’t be afraid to let them make their own mistakes (when age appropriate).
– I’ve learned when you have adult children –weigh in only when they ask. You don’t know everything and they will do it completely differently and they will make their own mistakes.
Ephesians 4:31-32 TLB
Stop being mean, bad-tempered, and angry. Quarreling, harsh words, and dislike of others should have no place in your lives. Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God has forgiven you because you belong to Christ.
- Give them a love for the house of God.
-Children loved Jesus
-Your time having young children in your home will pass quickly enough – enjoy this journey.
– Your children will teach you
– How do you speak about church & the pastor? Watch your words – especially around your kids!
Mark 10:13-16 NLT
One day some parents brought their children to Jesus so he could touch and bless them. But the disciples scolded the parents for bothering him. When Jesus saw what was happening, he was angry with his disciples. He said to them, “Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of God belongs to those who are like these children. I tell you the truth, anyone who doesn’t receive the Kingdom of God like a child will never enter it.” Then he took the children in his arms and placed his hands on their heads and blessed them.