Devoted Blog

Day 11 – Devoted Daily Devotional

February 11, 2019

DAY 11
Devotional by Abbey Gaskill

Have you ever been lost and needed to ask for directions? It’s funny that when you ask a few different people for directions you may get different routes to your destination.

Years ago my friend and I decided to take a road trip. On our way home late at night, we made a wrong turn. This was in the days before smart phones and GPS. We were in the dark literally trying to find our way back to civilization. Dark and windy roads felt like they were never ending to us. We knew we needed to ask for help. The worst part was our phones had no service. We got to a place of desperation and pulled into a random driveway and knocked on the door and asked how to get back to the interstate. I don’t advise anyone to do this! Thankfully a nice man gave us easy directions to follow and we were on our way. The feeling of being lost makes every nerve in my body seem to go off. I believe when we are lost in life and without solid direction from God our heart and mind go into nervous mode. Yet God has a path mapped out for you that’s incredible when you choose to walk it out with Him.

You can have many different tools to guide your health, money, marriage, parenting… the list goes on and on. There is a self-help book and phone app for just about everything in life. When we are lost we get desperate for direction. This world can offer many quick routes that seem to get us to our life destinations faster. One thing I know is life comes with a process to our destinations. No short cuts will do when you are running toward what Jesus has for your life.  My husband played baseball professionally and was offered steroids in his playing career. One night he had the steroids sitting on a table waiting for him. He went to his locker to pray about what to do. Immediately after praying he opened a booked he was currently reading called Visioneering by Andy Stanley. The very next section was titled “shortcuts”. The line reads “In the temptation to breach your integrity, you will be tempted to take shortcuts.” Right then he knew he should not take steroids and flushed them all down the toilet. I believe we need to do some of our own flushing of the worlds ways down the toilet. It is time we fight the good fight for our life’s path. I love this bible verse, “I press on toward the goal to win the [heavenly] prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” PHILIPPIANS 3:14 AMP

I believe the world can try to guide us but it seems to always lack something. How amazing is it that Jesus has everything you need to guide your entire life. He gives us the Bible as the best map money can buy. He gives us the church for the best place to plant ourselves. He gives us prayer as a 24-7 hotline to always ask for help.

As Women of God it’s time to seek our freedom in Christ and ask Him to lead the way. He never wants His children to feel lost without Him. He sent His one and only son Jesus Christ so that you not only can be set free but will be free to live the full life that He has mapped out for you.

The enemy would love if you never asked God for help/direction. It can be easy to stay stuck and feel so lost it’s impossible to find your way out. This is a lie straight from the enemy. Another trick the enemy try’s is to keep us from being active in church. Don’t allow anything to keep you from growing and connecting to God and other Christians. We need each other. Remember you are His child and have a great future ahead. When we feel lost, it only means we’re still on the journey of getting to our destination. Being lost doesn’t mean to give up. Keep searching after your saviors heart and allow Him to be your guide.


Dear Lord, I pray that you would be my true source for life. Help me walk with you daily. I pray nothing would get in my way of getting closer to your heart. Thank you for this beautiful life. Thank you for being at work in my life. I want to live in the fullness of your freedom. Help me Jesus. AMEN.



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