The Unexpected
Blog By Rachel Brown
The other day I lost my phone…..aagh, don’t you just get frustrated when you lose something? Well I certainly do and I searched high and low, retraced every step that I took in order to find it. My due diligence paid off when I found it trapped between the sofa cushions…yay!
As I held the newly found object in my hands, I contemplated how much time it had cost me to locate it and wondered if the things I should be seeking and searching for consume the same amount of time.
I heard a great saying; prayer should be our first response and not our last resort. Oh, I would love to declare that I live by this moto but the truth is the One that I should turn to in times of trails is not always my first response but sometimes is my last resort.
The Bible says in Jeremiah 29:12-14 (MSG), “When you call on me, when you come and pray to me, I’ll listen. “When you come looking for me, you’ll find me.” “Yes, when you get serious about finding me and want it more than anything else, I’ll make sure you won’t be disappointed.”
What an encouraging scripture!!! The truth is as we SEEK God, as we turn to Him in prayer, we will be found by him. He is so willing to listen and bring solution to our everyday life.
I want to encourage you that as we prepare for Wave Conference 2018, that you would SEEK God more than ever before. That you would allow Him to be the first responder in your life and the one to breathe His life into your situation.
SEEK Him and you will be found by Him, no matter what situation or circumstance you may find yourself.
Prayer: Lord Jesus, I pray today for the person reading this blog. I am so aware that you know every detail of their life. I thank you that you are for them and you are with them and as they SEEK you, that you will hear their prayer and answer them. Amen.