Devoted Blog

Princess- You Belong

February 20, 2017

Blog By Brook Chalfant

1 Peter 5:7 “Casting the whole of your care [all your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He cares for you affectionately and cares about you watchfully.”

In my teens and early 20’s, I was completely intrigued by the love connection of my grandparents compared to that a friend’s grandparents.

When my PawPaw would get home from work, he would pop into the house (always with a big smile and ornery eyes) and head directly to my Mum Mum. No matter what her mood or body language, he would shower her with a big kiss … a disturbingly expressive kiss, if you had asked me then. How long could people that age sustain that much affection toward one another? (I secretly loved it and the levity it brought to the moment.)

Cut to my friend’s grandparents: Grandpa C would quietly come in, head to the kitchen to drop off his lunch box, then retire to his chair in the living room without a word. On a particularly frisky night, he might get a pat on the back from Grandma C, who was usually busy preparing dinner. On a PG-13 night, a peck on the cheek was in order. Now, THAT got a murmur and a rise out of tight-lipped Grandpa C!

With eyes wide open to the contrasting interactions, I remember promising myself that my future husband and I would forever go for the gusto. We would engage one another not with disregard, hum drum yawns, or flameless gestures. We would laugh and play and love and demonstrate affectionate care that superseded life’s curve balls. I had NO idea the intentionality that entailed by 10 years and three kids in. But I’m happy to report that, now almost 28 years in, we’ve navigated the ebbs and flows with “amore” that makes our girls  cringe from time to time, much like Mum Mum and PawPaw affected me.

But the point is this: Each of us has access to affectionate care … watchful care …  a care that eases the trials that life inevitably throws our way.

It is promised by our Heavenly Father, who desires to lavish His healing, freeing, captivating love on us. He says, “Bring me your concerns, anxieties and worries. I am watching you … going before you and coming behind you, with blessing and great love for you.” Like a soothing balm poured over you from head to toe, he cares for you affectionately, wholly. It’s not a pat or a peck or a token gesture from a distant “man upstairs,” but a love from your Good Shepherd, Strong Father and Faithful Friend who gave everything for you. He watches you with great delight and perfect power over all that concerns you.

No matter what you’re carrying or going through, despite any question of being good enough or worthy enough, today is the day to cast every concern, every inadequacy, anxiety, or insecurity on Jesus. Wrap yourself in his watchful protection, and know that he cares for you with deep affection. Now is your opportunity to wholeheartedly open yourself to Him who is declaring, “My Princess, You Belong.”

Prayer: Jesus, forgive me for sometimes getting distracted by concerns, anxieties, and questions of whether I’m enough. Thank you that time and again you remind me that you redeem me. Your affectionate, watchful care beautifies, dignifies, and crowns me with loving-kindness and tender mercy. I receive it now and commit to cultivating my heart toward you. Amen.



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